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Are You Playing Russian Roulette With Your Rights Management?

5 Questions With PluraVida's Sam Gilchrist

PluraVida CEO Sam Gilchrist recently sat down with Digital Media Wire to talk about the evolution of digital rights management, the role of data and analytics in digital content commerce, and what keeps him up at night running PluraVida.

sam gilchrist,
founder & CEO, pluravida

Sam spoke at length about the importance of transparency, accuracy, scale and the need for efficient and audit-friendly products in digital settlement. Regardless of where you connect to the digital content supply chain; whether you are a consumer app, digital publisher, content aggregator, content creator or a rights holder, there's some risk in admitting that you aren't managing your rights and those of your partners.

He also discusses the technology behind Atmosphere, PluraVida’s flagship application for digital settlement, and the challenges in navigating a complex digital ecosystem. 

Sam will be speaking on these topics and more during the panel “RightsTech in the Enterprise,” at the upcoming Rights Tech Summit in New York City on July 26. He is an Advisory Board member of RightsTech and considered a leader and innovator in the field of rights technology and digital settlement .

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